This is version 2.0 of the driver for the Eurotech E0904 JPEG2000 frame grabber. It was developed and tested under Linux 2.6.18 (and will support newer kernels of course). The drivers supports encoding, decoding and HIPI (both encoded data and raw images come from the host).


After unpacking the source distribution you have to compile the kernel module and the user libraries:

cd linux
make KERNELDIR=[path to your kernel tree]
cd ..
cd linux_user


Just use the script to load the kernel module and create the devices. You will get 4 devices:


The devices refer to the two PLX9056-ADV202 available on the board. For now only encoding is implemented, so you will use those with the enc suffix.

The module (and accepts the following parameters:

	vbuffer_pages * 4096 >= vbuffer_images *  max_image_size
max_image_size can be set using the quality parameter of test_encode for example (see below).


3.1 test_encode

In the directory linux_user there is the test_encode program. It is a good programming example of the library (see below) but also a powerful utility for testing the board. It can be easily used from HLL like Python so, for example, a simple monitoring system can be written using it.

test_encode accepts command either via command line arguments or standard input. The syntax is:

test_encode [device] [commands ...]

Keep in mind that every argument entry is a command, so you have to use the ' character (on a bourne shell) to group them. You can obtain the following list of commands with:

test_encode /dev/e0904-0enc help quit

Here is the list:

noise:/mnt/nfs/jpeg2000/linux_user# ./test_encode /dev/e0904-0enc help quit
Available commands: (*) means must restart encoding to take effects
-> every [arg1] [arg2]
takes a shot every [arg1] frames and saves to a file with prefix [arg2]
-> fw [arg1] (*)
pathname of firmware to use
-> help
this help
-> shot [arg1]
takes a shot of a picture to filename [arg1]
-> stat
display statistics: running status, frames got, dropped, resets
-> start
starts encoding
-> stop
stops encoding
-> quit
exits this application
-> verbose [arg1]
if [arg1] is 0 be quiet, if 1 show just errors, if 2 be verbose
-> wait [arg1]
wait [arg1] frames before continuing
-> quality [arg1] [arg2] (*)
applies scheme [arg1] to quality of generated images.
[arg1] = 0 no truncation
[arg1] = 1 images are +/- 5% of dimensions specified by [arg2]
[arg1] = 2 [arg2] is the quality factor (best = 0x100, very bad = 0x900)
-> norm [arg1] (*)
[arg1] can be pal, ntsc, pali, ntsci
-> mon1 [arg1]
monitor path full channel [arg1]
-> mon4 [arg1] [arg2] [arg3] [arg4]
monitor path 4 channel [arg1]-[arg4]
-> mon8 [arg1] [arg2] [arg3] [arg4] [arg5] [arg6] [arg7] [arg8]
monitor path 8 channel [arg1]-[arg8]
-> rec1 [arg1]
record path to full channel [arg1] is 0-7
-> rec4 [arg1]
record path for master([arg1] = 0) or slave([arg1] = 1) to quad
-> brightness [arg1] [arg2]
set brightness of channel [arg1] to [arg2]
-> contrast [arg1] [arg2]
set contrast of channel [arg1] to [arg2]
-> hue [arg1] [arg2]
set hue of channel [arg1] to [arg2]
-> clear
clear AP5200 video memory
-> osd_clear [arg1]
clear OSD, [arg1] is 0 for monitor, 1 for record master, 2 for record slave
-> osd_write [arg1] [arg2] [arg3] [arg4] [arg5]
write OSD, [arg1] is 0 for monitor, 1 for record master, 2 for record slave
[arg2],[arg3] are x,y coordinates
[arg4] is the string to write *WITHOUT* spaces
[arg5] is the color, 0 default, 0x100 yellow, 0x200 blue, 0x300 red
-> slave_path [arg1]
[arg1] = 1 sets the record path for the slave AP52000
-> init_board
Initializes companion chips to the ADV202
-> noinit_board
Simulates the initializaion of the board. Useful is already initialized.
-> msleep [arg1]
sleeps [arg1] ms
-> skip [arg1]
skips [arg1] frames between 2 acquired pictures in hardware. [arg1] is in the range 0-63.
-> motion_enable [arg1]
enables motion detection on channel [arg1]
-> motion_enable_sf [arg1] [arg2] [arg3] [arg4] [arg5] [arg6] [arg7] [arg8] [arg9] [arg10]
enables motion detection on channel. args: [ch] [show] [accumulate] [TH_L] [TH_H] [TH_motion] [TH_blind] [TH_win] [REF_catch] [sel_TH_motion]
-> motion_enable_f [arg1] [arg2] [arg3] [arg4] [arg5] [arg6] [arg7] [arg8] [arg9] [arg10] [arg11] [arg12] [arg13] [arg14] [arg15] [arg16] [arg17] [arg18] [arg19] [arg20] [arg21] [arg22]
enables motion detection on channel. args: [ch] [show] [accumulate] [TH_L] [TH_H] [TH_motion] [TH_blind] [TH_win] [REF_catch] [sel_TH_motion] [win 1-12]
-> motion_disable [arg1]
disables motion detection on channel [arg1]
-> motion_status
motion status
-> motion_status_fast
motion status (fast and incomplete version)

For example you can monitor channels 0,2,4,6 and acquire just one snapshot from channel 1 with the following command:

./test_encode /dev/plx0enc init_board 'mon4 0 2 4 6' 'rec1 1' 'msleep 2000' clear start 'msleep 1000' 'shot prova.jp2' stop quit

Please note that if you move test_encode outside the standard directory structure from the tarball you have to use the firmware command to tell the library where to find it.

The generated .jp2 file can be converted with the jasper library to some well known format:

jasper --input prova.jp2 --input-format jp2 --output prova.pnm --output-format pnm --force-srgb

3.1. test_decode


test_decode [dev] [n sec] [jp2 images .....]

This program reads the given jp2 files and displays them in sequence for n seconds. The channel 0 of the AP5200 is put in playback mode.

Please note that on the E0904 only the slave ADV202 can be used for decoding/playback.

3.2. test_loop


test_loop [enc dev] [dec dev] [firmware] [mode: 0=loop, 1=encode 2=decode] [pmode] [xtot] [ytot] [images ...]

This is an example of the HIPI mode, this means that both raw image and encoded data come from or go to the host. For this reason you have to specify both the encoding end the decoding device.

With the correct firmware and the mode parameter you can specify if you want to encode or decode the given images. pmode is the format of the raw data. Supported formats are:

0x14 4x8-bit Single Component
0x15 4x8-bit Packed YCbYCr
0x16 4x8-bit Packed YYCbCr
0x17 4x8-bit Packed CbCrCbCr
0x18 2x16-bit Packed Single Compon
0x19 2x16-bit Packed YCb/YCr
0x1A 2x16-bit Packed YY/CbCr
0x1B 2x16-bit Packed CbCr

For more information refer to the ADV202 data sheet. xtot and ytot are respectively the total number of bytes per line and the number of lines. xtot is twice the horizontal resolution for color images, otherwise it's thew same value.


libe0904.a and libe0904.h help the programmer to use the driver without knowing the details of the low level interface.

struct e0904_ch;

This structure is opaque to the user and represents a PLX9056/ADV202 couple.

struct e0904_ch* simple_e0904_encoder(char *dev);

Allocates, initializes and returns an encoder structure. dev is the device name (/dev/e0904-0enc for example).

int simple_e0904_board_init(struct e0904_ch *e, int isNtsc, char *fw, 
			    ETHJPG2K_FIRMWARE_DATA *fwdata,
			    ETHJPG2K_FIRMWARE_PARAMS *fwparams,
			    int slave_path);

Initializes the chips on the board (AP5200 and the SAAs) and sets the default parameters for the ADV202 (they are applied only when the encoder is started). Please note that the AP5200 is initialized only if the video norm changed. This is important to avoid interrupting the video data flow to one of the two ADV202s when the other is started. The parameters are:

typedef struct _ETHJPG2K_FIRMWARE_DATA
	unsigned char 	bSlave;
	unsigned char	Type;
	unsigned short 	FirmwareId;	
	unsigned long*	pFirmware;
	unsigned long 	FirmwareSizeInDwords;

	unsigned char 	VFORMAT;			//Video Standard;
	unsigned char 	PREC;				//Precision;
	unsigned char 	XFORMLEV;			//Wavelet Transform Levels;
	unsigned char 	UNI;				//Component Polarity;
	unsigned char 	CBSIZE;				//Codeblock Dimensions;
	unsigned char 	WKERNEL_QUANT;		//Wavelet Kernel;
	unsigned char 	STALLPAR;			//SkipFields;
	unsigned char 	ATTRTYPE;			//Attribute Output Format;
	unsigned char 	RCTYPE;			//Rate Control;
	unsigned char 	RCVAL[3];				//Target Size Or Quality;
	unsigned char 	J2KPROG;			//J2K Progression;
	unsigned char 	PICFG;				//Pixel If Config;
	unsigned char 	QFACT;				//Quantize Factor;
	unsigned char 	COD_STYLE;			//Code Output Format;
	unsigned short	STEPSIZES[19];		//Quantize Stepsizes;
	unsigned char 	LOAD_SS;        	
	unsigned char	LOAD_VW;			//Visual Weight Options;
	unsigned short 	VW_Y;				//Y_Visual Weight Factor;
	unsigned short 	VW_CB;				//Cb_VisualWeightFactor[19];
	unsigned short 	VW_CR;				//Cr_VisualWeightFactor[19];
	unsigned char	RESERVED[6];	
	unsigned long 	LayersTargets[16];	//Target Size or Target Quality

	unsigned char 	VFORMAT;		//Video Standard;
	unsigned char 	PREC;			//Precision;
	unsigned char	RESERVED_0;
	unsigned char 	UNI;			//Component Polarity;
	unsigned char	RESERVED_1[5];
	unsigned char 	PICFG;			//Pixel If Config;
	unsigned char 	DRES;			//Decode Resolution Settings;
	unsigned char 	COD_STYLE;		//Code Input Format;
The parameters are presented in a union so you should use just those pertinent to the operation (encoding, decoding) that you are using. In HIPI mode there you have specify some more parameters, please refer to the section about the test_loop utility for an explanation of these parameters.
	unsigned short	XTOT;	// number oy bytes per line
	unsigned short 	YTOT;   // number of lines per frame
	unsigned char 	PMODE;  // pixel format
	union {
	} sub;


A suitable set of defaults values is provided in the test_encode.c example. Have a look at the “quality” command to see how to determine the size of the output JP2 image and it's quality (RCTYPE and RCVAL fields). Another parameter that can be easily changed is STALLPAR, which defines how many frames are skipped by ADV202 between to captured pictures. This trick considerably lowers the process load if you don't need full frame-rate. See the “skip” command in test_encode.

void simple_e0904_board_noinit(struct e0904_ch *e, int isNtsc);

This is a dummy function that sets the internal norm to that given *without* reprogramming the AP5200. This is useful to avoid interrupting primary video stream when starting the secondary.

int simple_e0904_encoder_run(struct e0904_ch* e, e0904_frame_cb cb);

typedef int (*e0904_frame_cb) (struct ethjpg2k_linux_hdr *hdr,
unsigned char * data, unsigned long len);

This is the signature of the callback that the user has to implement. It is called for every grabbed frame. If the function returns a value different to 0 the encoding is terminated (and the value is returned by simple_e0904encoderrun). The parameters:

struct ethjpg2k_linux_hdr {
  unsigned long field;
  unsigned long index;
    unsigned long info;
    struct {
      unsigned char version;
      unsigned char reserved;
      unsigned char videoFormat;
      unsigned char codeFormat;
    } Info_s;
  } Info_u;
  unsigned long size;

  unsigned int overflow;
For the first 4 (counting the union as a field) consult the ADV202 since it's the header passed by the hardware. overflow is the number of pictures dropped by the driver since there was no space in the buffer.

int simple_e0904_ioctl(struct e0904_ch* e, int code, void *arg);

With this call it's possible to modify the configuration of the ADV202 and other chips on the e0904. Please see the next section for a list and explanation on available IOCTLs and corresponding data types.

void simple_e0904_free(struct e0904_ch* e);

This function simply destroys resources of the given encoder instance.

void simple_e0904_force_stop(struct e0904_ch* e);

With this function the encoding process is forcibly terminated. It can be useful when the encoder cannot produce valid frames (for example the slave_path is not configured) so the user callback in not invoked and cannot ask the encoding engine to stop.

int simple_e0904_decoder_run(struct e0904_ch* e, e0904_len_cb cbl,
                             e0904_frame_in_cb cbf, int add_hdr)

typedef void (*e0904_frame_in_cb) (unsigned char * data, unsigned long len);

typedef int (*e0904_len_cb) (void);

This function works in a similar way as the encoding one but you have to provide 2 callbacks. With *cbl* you can reserve a given space for the image you are going to decode. This is needed since the image length isn't fixed. If you return a negative value the decoding process will stop. The second callback is used for passing the image bits. You have to store them in to the area at address pointed by data and length len.

Another important parameter is add_hdr. If this is true an ADV202 header is automatically prepended to the image bits. This header is required for the ADV202 to work.

int simple_e0904_hipi(struct e0904_ch *enc, struct e0904_ch *dec,
		      char *fw, ETHJPG2K_FIRMWARE_DATA *fwdata, ETHJPG2K_FIRMWARE_PARAMS *fwparams,
		      int n, 
		      char **in, int *ins,
		      char **out, int *outs) {

This function has a different way of working since HIPI mode is most suited to off-line processing. You have to create 2 struct e0904_ch objects one for the encoding device and one for the decoding.

You have to pass the function the number of images you want to encode/decode (n), the arrays of pointers to the input bits and theirs length (in and ins) and the arrays of pointers to output space and the length that will be set by the library.

It's important to keep in mind that the encoding/decoding works 1.5 frames “behind”, so when the ADV202 is fed the second bunch of data it outputs the firs one. So the last image should be considered “dummy”.


It may happen under some for circumstances (for example the video output missing for too much time) that the ADV202 stops the encoding process. In this case the encoding function exit with an error. You should retry to restart the encoding process a couple of time before giving up. Have a look at the test_decode example to see how this can be done.

If after a number of repetition (for example 5) the encoding doesn't start it's most likely that there is some problem on the video input or you have given an invalid parameter to the firmware. So it's recommended that you try to use the default ones and change them one at a time until you find the guilty value.


All the ioctls take a pointer to the data type described (when not explicitly stated otherwise).



Is used to initialize the working mode of the 2 AP52000s. They are working together in a master-slave configuration so the monitor output can show any of the 8 available input channels. The record paths are split. The channels 0-3 are connected to the primary ADV202, the remaining (4-7) to the secondary. Please note that changing the working mode of the AP5200 interrupts the data flow to the ADV202. The driver has an auto-reset feature that recovers from this situation but it's advisable to stop the encoding before changing AP5200 mode and restart it afterwards.

typedef struct _AP5200_MODE_PARAMS
	unsigned char Mode;
			unsigned char Channel[4];	/*set 4 channels from left top clockwise*/

			unsigned char Channel;
		} MON_FULL;	

			unsigned char Channel[8];	/*set 8 channels from left top clockwise*/
		} MON_ALL;

			unsigned char bSlave;

			unsigned char Channel;

Using the *Mode* parameter you can select the mode of operation.


Clears AP5200 video buffer.

5.2 AP5200 OSD

Each of the following ioctls comes in 3 flavors. Every one of them is applied to a different path: monitor, primary record and secondary record.


Enable the OSD on the given path. Please note that normal initialization enable them by default so this ioctl is not very useful. The ioctl accepts an array of 3 AP5200_COLOR:

typedef struct _AP5200_COLOR
	unsigned char	Y;
	unsigned char	Cb;
	unsigned char	Cr;
} AP5200_COLOR;

These are used in the OSD write ioctl (see below). At initialization the color selected are yellow, blue and red.


The OSD of the path is disables.


These are used to write a OSD string on the given path. The argument is:

typedef struct	_AP5200_OSD_PARAMS
	unsigned char 	x;
	unsigned char 	y;
	char*			String;
	unsigned short	StrLen;
	unsigned short	Color;




Each of these ioctls (which control brightness, contrast and hue as you might guess) accepts an array of 2 C char. The first element is the channel to act on (range 0-7), the second the value for the parameter (range 0-255).



Enables the connection between the slave AP5200 and the secondary ADV202. It takes an int that can have the values 0 or 1. When capturing channels 4-7 you have to put it to 1. When doing playback (decoding a JP2 stream) to 0.


This IOCTL enables the playback of the video stream from the secondary. You have to specify which channel is used for playback (this is useful in monitoring multiple channels), if you want to enable or disable this feature and if you are using NTSC video norm (otherwise PAL is assumed).

typedef struct _AP5200_PLAYBACK {
	unsigned char dest_ch;
	unsigned char enable;
	unsigned char isNtsc;



Are used to enable or disable the motion detection in a given window of a given channel. The argument is a pointer to AP5200_MOTION_ENABLE_CH

typedef struct _AP5200_MOTION_ENABLE_CH
	unsigned char   ch;
	unsigned char   show;
	unsigned char   accumulate;
	unsigned char   TH_L;
	unsigned char   TH_H;
	unsigned short  TH_motion;
	unsigned short  TH_blind;
	unsigned char   TH_win;
	unsigned char   REF_catch;
	unsigned char   sel_TH_motion;
	unsigned short  Windows[12];


Returns the current status (and resets it for further readings). The argument is a pointer to AP5200_MOTION_STATUS. The non fast IOCTL fills all the fields of this structure, instead the other one just updates the fields MotionDetected and BlindDetected. On the other hand the first is slow (it takes 20ms for each active channel plus fixed 20ms due to an internal synchronization requirement of the Alogics AP5200). Please note that after the call to this function the reference image is updated.

typedef struct _AP5200_MOTION_STATUS_CH
	unsigned char   MotionDetected;
	unsigned char   BlindDetected;
	unsigned int    sigma;
	unsigned short  Windows[12];

typedef struct _AP5200_MOTION_STATUS

Only the entries in array ch from AP5200_MOTION_STATUS which refers to enabled channels are meaningful. For each channel

5.6 GPIOs


Both of these function work with an argument of a pointer to an array of 2 unsigned chars. The first one is always the number of which GPIO bank are we referring (0/1). For write the second one is the value to set, for read instead is the returned value which represents the state of the pins.


You may want to directly access the device driver without passing through the library interface. This chapter describes how to do this. You should have a look at the library code for an example of the concepts described here.

It's important to know that for every ADV202 in the system there are 2 device inodes, one for encoding and one for decoding. For example if you have just one E0904 card in the system:

minor function
0 first ADV202 encoding
1 first ADV202 decoding
2 second ADV202 encoding
3 second ADV202 decoding

The encoding one always outputs data (usually JPEG2000 encoded but in HIPI decode mode they are raw image bits), the decoding always accepts data.


For efficiency (avoiding data copies) the data buffer is shared between kernel and user level. You have to map it via a mmap function cal. The dimension of this buffer is set by the module load parameters. The arbitration to the buffer is done via read and write system calls.


When accessing an encoding device (so receiving data from the driver) an user level program has to:

Info_u describes the attributes of the frame (see ADV202 data sheet for more information).
size is the size (in bytes) of the acquired image.
start is the location in the mmaped area of the image.
overflow is the number of image lost since last read (if we don't keep up with the pace of image acquired).
ticket is a number that has to be written to the device when finished.

The procedure for reading from a decoding device is quite similar:


Here are listed the IOCTLs that useful only if your directly interacting with the driver without using the helper library.


This IOCTL initializes the companion chips on the E0904. Should be called before any attempt to encode/decode a video stream.


The encoder/decoder is started.


The encoder/decoder is stopped.


The size (in pages) of the buffer for the acquisition of images is returned.


For any problems, bug reports and bug fixes or improvements please contact Christian Pellegrin ‹›.